Explore one of the remarkable tales that captivated the coin collecting world in 2019 – the extraordinary saga of a truly unique copper penny from 1943 hitting the auction block. Unlike its steel-and-zinc counterparts minted during World War II, this singular penny emerged as a rare find, stirring excitement among collectors worldwide.

With expectations soaring into six figures, this exceptional coin embodies the allure of numismatic treasures. Picture the scenario had the Massachusetts man who stumbled upon it not safeguarded this gem. Such a petite collectible could easily vanish into obscurity, lost to time and chance.

At SAFE Collecting Supplies, we’re passionate about preserving the legacy of every artifact, no matter how modest it may seem. Like avid collectors globally, we cherish these pieces of history and understand the paramount importance of safeguarding them with utmost care and security.

We also like to show off a good collection, so our wide selection of coin collecting supplies offers the best in coin cases for collectors, including wood coin cases, to put those amazing old coins on display.

Some highlights from our line of coin cases:

  • In the case of a single, valuable – “crown jewel,” if you will – coin like the one we just mentioned, a nice 3D Floating Frame is a nice option. We also offer frames for multiple coins.
  • The owner of the 1943 copper penny stored his coin in a safe. If you really want to get fancy with your collection, while also taking the proper precautions, a Coin Slab Box is a sophisticated choice for housing your priceless coins – and you can lock it.
  • For security and portability, the “Executive” Burlwood Carrying Case is sleek, gorgeous, and durable while still allowing you the freedom to transport your collection to a friend or family member’s home, a collectors convention – or an auction.

These are only some of the many cases we offer at SAFE Collecting Supplies, and we encourage you to check out our entire collection because if you don’t protect what you collect, you’re doing your collection a disservice.

To learn more about how SAFE Collecting Supplies can help you keep your collection, contact us today at 1-877-395-7233 or send us an email.