Genealogy Albums

Genealogy Albums for Birth Certificates, Photos, Documents, and all other kinds of family heirlooms.

GENEALOGYPreserve your family history!  The perfect place to showcase and protect your precious family photos, heirlooms, and memories, a heritage genealogy album is wonderful way to document your family’s history and create a lasting gift for future generations. While it may seem a daunting task when faced with boxes of dusty old photos, scrapbooking is actually both fun and easier than you might think!

At the heart of most genealogy albums are the photos – pictures of your grandparent’s wedding, your great-grandfather at work in the fields, a family Christmas celebration…Begin your album project by gathering together as many photographs as possible, from boxes, attics, old albums, and relatives. These photos don’t necessarily need to have people in them – pictures of old houses, automobiles, and towns are great for adding historical interest.

Family mementos such as birth and marriage certificates, report cards, old letters, family recipes, clothing items, and a lock of hair can also add interest to a family history scrapbook. Smaller items can be incorporated into your Genealogy Album by placing them in clear, self-adhesive, acid-free memorabilia pockets. Larger heirlooms such as a pocket watch, wedding dress, or family quilt can also be included by photocopying or scanning them, and using the copies in your genealogy album.  Or take a look at some of our other display cases.


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